Epic Festivals - North East based Event Management & Festival Production

Our Website Is currently under construction. For info on event management please email the below contacts:

General Enquiries: info@epicfestivals.co.uk

The team behind epic festivals have been involved in large scale events around the North East for many years including North East Chilli Festival, Clubland by The Sea (Blyth), Kiddstock (Blyth), Cinema in the Square (Times Square, Newcastle) to name but a few.

As well as organising our own events we also offer event management services.  This can be as simple as pre-event advice all the way through to full Event Management Plans, attending SAG meetings and event safety officer services.

We can also help build your event from scratch with our plethora of contacts from bar suppliers to medical & security companies and our in-house team of site crew.

Every event is different therefore rather than list pricing we can build you a bespoke quote after getting to know you and your event. Please call us on 0191 637 5099 (option 7) to enquire and lets make your event EPIC!